
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Be Happy

Well, it's been a while since I have "blogged" and a lot has happened in my life since August. However, I will not bore you with those details.  As most of you know life never seems to go quite like you planned and in fact, it usually goes way off the course you set for yourself. However, we know the Lord is in control and we know His ways are best. Over the past few weeks I have started keeping a journal. I have tried doing journals many times and have gone out and bought cute books to write in and nice pens. Well, that lasted about three days and then I got tired of it. Well, for my birthday, my granny got me a journal that is super cute and on the front it says, "Be Happy". I was looking through old cards and letters and found one she had written me right after Grant and I broke up, that just offered encouragement.  Right after my birthday I decided to use the journal for good. I started writing letters to my future husband. The front of the journal reminds me to be happy and when I think of that, I think of how my "prince charming" should be exactly what I've always wanted and nothing less. 
I've tried to write in the journal once a day and some days I don't have much to write. A lot of the entries are prayers for my future husband. I've been hurt more than I ever thought possible. However, through the hurt I have seen the importance of fervently praying for my future spouse, whoever that is. I want to be the friend, the girlfriend, the fiance, the wife, the mother, and the woman that God called me and made me to be. I also want to have the friend, the boyfriend, the fiance, the husband, the father, and the man that God called men to be. I know what I want and I now know I won't settle for anything less. While I wait patiently for the Lord, I will patiently and continually pray for the man who is to lead my life. I choose to be happy.

"That he might seek God with all his heart, walking in the Spirit moment by moment, growing in his dependence on Him." Psalm 119:1-2